
The Automobile Carriers Conference is open to all ATA member companies engaged in the transportation of motor vehicles and heavy-duty trucks and companies engaged in businesses and services allied to this segment of the industry. The mission of the ACC is to provide a strong, unifying and effective voice for motor vehicle and heavy-duty truck transporters on legislative and regulatory issues at all levels of government. In addition, through the ACC, carriers are interfacing with the Automotive Industry Logistics Steering Council (AILSC), the auto manufacturers organization, in order to develop methodologies to improve efficiencies and standardizations in the motor vehicle delivery process.
Member Benefits
- ACC provides the expertise in regulatory issues (both federal and state) that effect your operation;
- ACC is the voice of the industry on Capitol Hill and the regulatory agencies that have oversight of the industry;
- ACC, in co-operation with state trucking associations, can assist in local enforcement issues that you feel may be incorrect;
- In joining ACC, you have a voice in setting policy that affects your industry;
- In joining the ACC you have an advocate working for you.